Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Power of Donations at Gulf of Hope

If you are an armchair traveller why dont you visit Gulf of Hope and make a contribution to this small and effective charity

6 year old Reyna de la Paz is one happy girl: thanks to our donors, she can go to a good school this year. For $25 per month, the foundations for a sound future are establised.

The Power of Donations

There's something wonderful happening.

Children are beginning to believe. The desperation of poverty is being replaced by a new world - a world full of possibilities. And for the children of Gulf of Hope, this new world begins with the chance for an education.

Happy faces: this year, nobody will laugh at them at school for not having pens and paper! Thanks to the Gulf of Hope, these children have a year's supply of basic materials.

Donations make sure that they have the supplies they need for their school year, including basic pens and paper, backpacks and books. Right now, we are only able to help a few. The more donations we get, the more we will be able to help with expenses such as:
• health care and medicine
• dental care
• nutritional assistance
• educational support
Donations help poor children and their families, and offer security and sense of dignity that is all too rare when you live in poverty.
We hope you'll join us on this life-changing journey.

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